SAICE-PDP was thrilled to be awarded funding on the first CETA Candidacy programme, launched in 2012.
After many years of campaigning for SETA funding to support candidates towards professional registration, the Construction SETA (CETA) was the first SETA to fund candidate development.
Since inception of the programme, SAICE-PDP has been able to access several grants to assist consultants, and contractors affiliated to the CETA and municipalities to develop training plans for their candidates and provide mentorship. Our role has also included training inhouse supervisors on registration requirements to ensure that they adequately brief candidates and provide suitably challenging work, and to train inhouse mentors to how to monitor progress and run mentoring programmes.
To date, 150 candidates have been supported in ± 30 companies. The first of these candidates successfully registered in July 2014, and candidates have continued to register once they have gained adequate experience ever since.
More recently new awards have allowed us to also support metros and civil engineering staff in parastatals.